Stress. We all feel it. We carry it with us throughout our day, and feel it ache in our shoulders and backs. It keeps us awake at night, and disrupts our natural cycles. Put simply: stress stinks.
It seems that we’re inundated with solutions to lowering stress in our daily lives and in the workplace. However, one of the simplest ways to accomplish this is by doing yoga.
“Yoga does not remove us from the reality or responsibilities of everyday life but rather places our feet firmly and resolutely in the practical ground of experience. We don't transcend our lives; we return to the life we left behind in the hopes of something better.”
- Donna Farhi
Don’t worry - we’re not getting all hippy-dippy on you. But there’s something to be said for taking time to practice deep breathing, long stretches, and embracing the overall calm that comes with rolling out that mat.
Some ways practicing yoga daily helps all aspects of life (especially work):
Increases concentration and focus.
Supports overall wellness (including immune system strength, which means less absenteeism).
Reduces pain from sedentary habits.
Reduces blood pressure, stress, and anxiety.
Increases energy, and improves attitude.
Getting to the gym or to a class can be difficult to fit into a busy schedule, so employers that can provide the opportunity during lunch hours (even better, on-site), is extraordinarily helpful.
We have all had those days when we just can’t seem to get motivated, or feel completely fried from an unusually stressful week. A Workplace Health and Safety study published in 2015 found that nurses experienced less exhaustion and burnout, and higher levels of happiness, contentment, and self-care when they practiced yoga just once a week over an 8-week period.
Additionally, remember that absenteeism we mentioned earlier? Sitting at a desk all day can lead to neck and shoulder pain, back tension, carpal tunnel, and plenty more achey issues. This leads to doctor’s visits, absent workers, and an overload of work on healthy employees - ultimately leading them down the same path. Introducing yoga in the workplace reduces risks of these types of injuries, and that means healthier and happier employees. Oh, and of course there’s bonding with co-workers, as an added bonus!
We’re proud to partner with Yoga Design Lab - a company that supports all things yoga and well-being. Finding balance with everything in life can be challenging at times. We praise companies that understand the importance of that balance though, and find excitement in the changing atmosphere of workplace health.
If there’s one thing we truly love here at Clove & Twine, it’s walking the road less traveled. It always seems to surprise us!